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Omaha NE - Monday, December 2
Tentative Agenda
12:00 Registration Opens
1:00 Welcome & Opening Remarks
1:45 Current Marketing Strategies
2:15 Break
2:45 Land Values - Update and Outlook
3:15 Richard Brock Market Outlook
4:45 Heavy Appetizers and Hosted Bar Social

Featured Presenters

Richard Brock
Chairman of the Board
Brock Associates
Richard is the founder and Chairman of the Board of Brock Associates and The Brock Report. Richard has over 40 years experience in navigating the commodity markets and helping farmers and agribusinesses develop price risk management programs and speaks at dozens of industry conferences each year.
Richard will deliver his thoughts on the commodity markets, and what you need to do to protect your farm operation.

David Brock
Brock Associates
David is President of Brock Associates and Brock Investor services, and works with producers and agribusinesses to develop, execute, review and revise custom risk management plans. David speaks at conferences and seminars on market fundamentals, and specializes in marketing tools, strategies and implementation.
David received a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters in Ag. Economics from Purdue University and an MBA from Kelly School of Business.
Omaha Meeting Location
Omaha Marriot Regency
10220 Regency Cir. Omaha, NE 68114
(402) 399-9000
Meetng Locato
Jason Moss
Jason has been a marketing consultant since 2005 and is the COO of Brock Associates. Jason has a B.S. and M.S. in Ag Econ and an MBA, and also operates a family farm near Quincy Illinois. This experience makes Jason a fantastic resource for Brock Associates and his clients.
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